VR Dungeon Runner

Status: Done

Description: A game made using Unity with the purpose of showing the capabilities of the treadmill of VirtuWalk. Its a multiplayer game where one player plays on the computer and the other on the treadmill with a Vr Headset. The treadmill is connected to Unity through USB, and when its handle is pushed, you can move in the virtual world. The handle is really sensitive so the harder you push the faster the treadmill will go.


Software: Unity



Download Link

Code Snippets

  • class Particle {

    PVector position;

    PVector velocity;

    PVector acceleration;

    PVector size;

    float lifespan;

    //Constructs the particle

    Particle() {

    acceleration = new PVector(0.1, 0.1);

    velocity = new PVector(0, 0);

    position = new PVector(Character.characterPosition.x, Character.characterPosition.y+20);

    size = new PVector(8, 8);

    lifespan = 30.0;


    //Whenever the character runs

    void Run() {





    void Update()



    lifespan -= 2.0;


    //Creates the particles

    void draw() {

    stroke(100, lifespan);

    fill(205, 190, 123);

    ellipse(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y);


    //Here i write the boolean to delete the particle when its dead( <0)

    boolean isDead() {

    if (lifespan <= 0)


    return true;

    } else


    return false;



    //With particle update I check the direction where the player is watching and i add speed to the particle in the oposite way

    void ParticleUpdate()


    if (Character.moveUp == true)


    velocity = new PVector(random(-2, 2), 1);


    if (Character.moveDown == true)


    velocity = new PVector(random(-2, 2), -1);


    if (Character.moveLeft == true)


    velocity = new PVector(1, random(-2, 2));


    if (Character.moveRight == true)


    velocity = new PVector(-1, random(-2, 2));




    //Handles the particles

    class ParticleSystem


    //Creates ArrayList for the particles

    ArrayList<Particle> particles = new ArrayList<Particle>();

    int nParticles = 20;



    particles = new ArrayList<Particle>();



    //Spawns particles

    void setup()




    //Checks if the player is using the hook. If true then there wil be no particles

    void draw()


    if (HookStatement.hooks == null || !HookStatement.hooks.hitWall)


    if (particles.size() == 0)




    for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++)


    Particle p = particles.get(i);


    if (p.isDead())



    particles.add(new Particle());



    } else





    void Spawn()


    for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++)


    particles.add(new Particle());




  • class Health


    //Health var's

    float health = 30;

    float maxHealth = 30;

    float rectWidth;

    float rectHeight;

    boolean death;

    PVector pos = new PVector();

    Timer timer = new Timer();

    int showHitIndicatorTime = 200;

    boolean showIndicator = false;

    void draw(PVector HealthPosition)


    if (showIndicator && timer.timePassed(showHitIndicatorTime))


    showIndicator = false;


    pos = HealthPosition;

    //Change color

    if (health <= 10)


    fill(255, 0, 0);

    } else if (health <= 20)


    fill(255, 200, 0);

    } else


    fill(0, 255, 0);


    //Draw bar



    // Get fraction 0->1 and multiply it by width of bar

    float drawWidth = (health / maxHealth) * rectWidth;

    rect(HealthPosition.x-rectWidth/2, HealthPosition.y - 30, drawWidth, rectHeight);





    rect(HealthPosition.x-rectWidth/2, HealthPosition.y - 30, rectWidth, rectHeight);




    //If something takes damage

    void TakeDamage(int amount_of_dmg)


    showIndicator = true;


    health -= amount_of_dmg;

    if (health < 1)





    //Adds health

    void GetHealth(int amount_health)


    health += amount_health;


    //Reset health

    void ResetHealth()


    health = maxHealth;


    void Death()




  • class Bullet


    PVector bulletPosition = new PVector();

    PVector bulletVelocity = new PVector();

    float bulletDmg = 5;

    PImage sprites = new PImage();

    int direction = 1; // 0=up 1=down 2=left 3=right

    final float bulletSpeed = 7f;

    Bullet(float startX, float startY, int direction)


    //Starting variables

    bulletPosition.x = startX;

    bulletPosition.y = startY;

    this.direction = direction;

    //Changes bullet speed according on direction

    if (direction == 0)


    bulletVelocity.y = -bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 1)


    bulletVelocity.y = bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 2)


    bulletVelocity.x = -bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 3)


    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 4)


    bulletVelocity.x = -bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.y = -bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 5)


    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.y = -bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 6)


    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.x = -bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.y = bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 7)


    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.y = bulletSpeed;


    sprites = loadImage("images/Bullet.png");


    void draw()


    //Show the image based on the direction using the array

    image(sprites, bulletPosition.x + Screenshake.shakeValue.x, bulletPosition.y + Screenshake.shakeValue.y);

    // Add velocity to position

    bulletPosition.x += bulletVelocity.x;

    bulletPosition.y += bulletVelocity.y;





This is a game play of an old version of the game. After this we did a little more polish and added some nice effects to make it more fun.