
Status: Done

Description: A game made using Processing for the Project Fasten Your Seatbelts. Top-down wave shooter with a tricky twist. Instead of shooting the enemies directly, you will have to shoot explosive barrels to kill them and survive the rounds.


Software: Processing

Download Link

Code Snippets

  • class Particle {

    PVector position;

    PVector velocity;

    PVector acceleration;

    PVector size;

    float lifespan;

    //Constructs the particle

    Particle() {

    acceleration = new PVector(0.1, 0.1);

    velocity = new PVector(0, 0);

    position = new PVector(Character.characterPosition.x, Character.characterPosition.y+20);

    size = new PVector(8, 8);

    lifespan = 30.0;


    //Whenever the character runs

    void Run() {





    void Update()



    lifespan -= 2.0;


    //Creates the particles

    void draw() {

    stroke(100, lifespan);

    fill(205, 190, 123);

    ellipse(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y);


    //Here i write the boolean to delete the particle when its dead( <0)

    boolean isDead() {

    if (lifespan <= 0)


    return true;

    } else


    return false;



    //With particle update I check the direction where the player is watching and i add speed to the particle in the oposite way

    void ParticleUpdate()


    if (Character.moveUp == true)


    velocity = new PVector(random(-2, 2), 1);


    if (Character.moveDown == true)


    velocity = new PVector(random(-2, 2), -1);


    if (Character.moveLeft == true)


    velocity = new PVector(1, random(-2, 2));


    if (Character.moveRight == true)


    velocity = new PVector(-1, random(-2, 2));




    //Handles the particles

    class ParticleSystem


    //Creates ArrayList for the particles

    ArrayList<Particle> particles = new ArrayList<Particle>();

    int nParticles = 20;



    particles = new ArrayList<Particle>();



    //Spawns particles

    void setup()




    //Checks if the player is using the hook. If true then there wil be no particles

    void draw()


    if (HookStatement.hooks == null || !HookStatement.hooks.hitWall)


    if (particles.size() == 0)




    for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++)


    Particle p = particles.get(i);


    if (p.isDead())



    particles.add(new Particle());



    } else





    void Spawn()


    for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++)


    particles.add(new Particle());




  • class Health


    //Health var's

    float health = 30;

    float maxHealth = 30;

    float rectWidth;

    float rectHeight;

    boolean death;

    PVector pos = new PVector();

    Timer timer = new Timer();

    int showHitIndicatorTime = 200;

    boolean showIndicator = false;

    void draw(PVector HealthPosition)


    if (showIndicator && timer.timePassed(showHitIndicatorTime))


    showIndicator = false;


    pos = HealthPosition;

    //Change color

    if (health <= 10)


    fill(255, 0, 0);

    } else if (health <= 20)


    fill(255, 200, 0);

    } else


    fill(0, 255, 0);


    //Draw bar



    // Get fraction 0->1 and multiply it by width of bar

    float drawWidth = (health / maxHealth) * rectWidth;

    rect(HealthPosition.x-rectWidth/2, HealthPosition.y - 30, drawWidth, rectHeight);





    rect(HealthPosition.x-rectWidth/2, HealthPosition.y - 30, rectWidth, rectHeight);




    //If something takes damage

    void TakeDamage(int amount_of_dmg)


    showIndicator = true;


    health -= amount_of_dmg;

    if (health < 1)





    //Adds health

    void GetHealth(int amount_health)


    health += amount_health;


    //Reset health

    void ResetHealth()


    health = maxHealth;


    void Death()




  • class Bullet


    PVector bulletPosition = new PVector();

    PVector bulletVelocity = new PVector();

    float bulletDmg = 5;

    PImage sprites = new PImage();

    int direction = 1; // 0=up 1=down 2=left 3=right

    final float bulletSpeed = 7f;

    Bullet(float startX, float startY, int direction)


    //Starting variables

    bulletPosition.x = startX;

    bulletPosition.y = startY;

    this.direction = direction;

    //Changes bullet speed according on direction

    if (direction == 0)


    bulletVelocity.y = -bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 1)


    bulletVelocity.y = bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 2)


    bulletVelocity.x = -bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 3)


    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 4)


    bulletVelocity.x = -bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.y = -bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 5)


    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.y = -bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 6)


    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.x = -bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.y = bulletSpeed;


    else if (direction == 7)


    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.x = bulletSpeed;

    bulletVelocity.y = bulletSpeed;


    sprites = loadImage("images/Bullet.png");


    void draw()


    //Show the image based on the direction using the array

    image(sprites, bulletPosition.x + Screenshake.shakeValue.x, bulletPosition.y + Screenshake.shakeValue.y);

    // Add velocity to position

    bulletPosition.x += bulletVelocity.x;

    bulletPosition.y += bulletVelocity.y;





This is a game play of an old version of the game. After this we did a little more polish and added some nice effects to make it more fun.